"we need no wings to go in search of God but have only to find a place where we can be alone and look upon God present within us."

Teresa of Avila

 The Carmelite Centre Melbourne seeks to provide a contemplative space to facilitate spiritual journeys and personal growth with many different programs and services. A distinctive characteristic of The Carmelite Way is Stillness & Silence. These regular events offer an opportunity for Stillness & Silence. Scroll down for more details:

Tuesday afternoon – weekly Prayer Meditation – via zoom 5pm-5.40pm approx

Tuesday afternoon – monthly Centering Prayer Meditation – in person at Carmelite Library Middle Park 1.00pm

Thursday evening – weekly Meditation – in person 7pm in the Malone Room Middle Park

Friday morning – weekly Lectio Divina – via zoom 10am – 11am


Tuesday Prayer Meditation (weekly)

Prayer Meditation via zoom every Tuesday from 5.00 to 5.40pm approx.

These meditation sessions go for 30-40 minutes and include a short prayer/reflection to lead us into a silent meditation for around 20 minutes. There will be an opportunity at the end to ‘gather’ and share any thoughts or reflections.
It is a simple process inviting us to a silent and still place towards the end of the day.

The sessions are led by various members of our meditation community and we welcome you to lead us in some sessions too.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 839 1192 3939
Passcode: 129738

If you like to receive a weekly email regarding this event please email info@thecarmelitecentremelbourne.org



Centering Prayer Meditation (monthly)

Kathryn Pile leads Centering Prayer Meditation on the first Tuesday of the month at 1pm in the Malone Room. (First door on your left when you enter from Richardson Street.) It runs for approx 50 minutes, and is followed by an invitation to share time together socially.

Dates for 2024

  • 6 February
  • 5 March
  • 2 April
  • 7 May
  • 4 June
  • 2 July
  • 6 August
  • 5 September
  • 1 October
  • 5 November (Public Holiday – no session)
  • 3 December

Contact Kathryn for the monthly reminder or to inquire about the sessions.  kathryn@thecarmelitecentremelbourne.org

Centering Prayer Meditation draws on the Christian tradition of meditation from the heart centre, using themes from spiritual writing and scripture, to help us experience beyond limited intellect, the total mind we call Heart. It’s a surrender method, a practice based on letting go of thoughts as they arise to deepen a way of being in God’s Presence. deepening a relationship with God.

Centering Prayer Meditation is an invitation for all with an open heart who are seeking to bring unity and wholeness into their daily life.

Watch an Introduction to Centering Prayer with Kathryn Pile here

You may like to use an app by Contemplative Outreach for your meditation at other times. You can find the app in the iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store if you have an Android; search for Centering Prayer.  Download here



Past and current reflections by Kathryn Pile can be found here.


Divine Beauty, Centering Prayer Meditation, April 2024

Divine Beauty, Centering Prayer Meditation, April 2024

Over the last few months we have reflected on themes of Peace and Gratitude, Choosing Life, and this month Divine Beauty, using John O’Donohue’s book of that title. John O'Donohue tells us: ~ At birth we were awakened and emerged to become visible to the world. At...

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Thursday Evening Meditation (weekly)


Meditation in the Malone Room in the Carmelite Hall is held at 7pm on every Thursday except Holy Thursday 28 March 2024.

The text of past reflections and audio meditation by Peter Thomas are added each week to the blog here. The most recent three appear below.


Meditation 30 May 2024

Meditation 30 May 2024

Meditation for Thursday 30th May 2022 Yehudi Menuhin was a world famous, American born British violinist and conductor. Born in New York City to a family of Lithuanian Jews, through his father he was descended from a rabbinical dynasty. The name Yehudi in Hebrew means...

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Meditation 23 May 2024

Meditation 23 May 2024

Meditation for Thursday 23rd May 2024 The word spiritual is often used by people who are content to describe themselves as spiritual but hesitant to identify as being religious. When we categorise as being spiritual we are generally expressing how we relate to things...

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Meditation 16 May 2024

Meditation 16 May 2024

Meditation for Thursday 16th May 2024 Our regular commitment to meditation helps us to keep our relationships genuine and real. We don’t have to pretend, we aren’t afraid to be known. When in the present moment or living as much as we can in the ‘now’, we can see...

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Experience the benefit of meditation as a way of bringing peace, harmony and joy to your life.

Meditation is a way to assist us to live a ‘mindful’ life to enhance our day-to-day awareness by living in the present moment.

Meditation Groups
As there is no substitute for communal meditation its best that you seek out a meditation group that you can attend on a regular basis. The Carmelite Centre in Melbourne offers such opportunities however there are numerous groups nationwide run by Christian churches, yoga centres, Buddhist temples and numerous other organisations. If the opportunity to join a meditation group is not available or groups in your locality are unsuitable have confidence in your own ability to develop a private practice at home. The Carmelite Centre is always available to assist you with advice.

Meditation and Mindfulness Podcasts
We invite you to make use of the series of ten podcasts produced by Peter Thomas, who facilitates the usual Thursday evening meditation. They are available here.

Four-Week Meditation Program
To gain maximum benefit contact the Carmelite Centre and request The 4-Week Meditation program booklet that offers a progressive step-by-step approach to meditation and mindfulness. The booklet is available for a donation including postage. You can make a donation here


Meditation & Mindfulness Podcasts


​Peter Thomas who facilitates the usual Thursday evening meditation has produced a series of ten podcasts available here.

Listen to each of the podcasts to gain some appreciation of the value of meditation and mindfulness to your life. Treat each episode as a ‘lesson’, as though you are doing a course in meditation. Study the questions that arise from each podcast and answer the questions supplied as best as you can.

The presenter of this series, “Meditation & Mindfulness” is Peter Thomas, facilitator of a meditation group for over 25 years and a meditator for over 30 years. He has provided workshops and training to a range of community organisations, schools and spiritual centres. He convenes a weekly meditation group at the Carmelite Centre in Middle Park.

All music used in this series is Royalty and Copyright Free. ‘Meditation & Mindfulness’ is a podcast presentation of the Carmelite Centre Middle Park, Vic. Australia.


Friday morning Lectio Divina (weekly)

You are most welcome to join our virtual community on Friday mornings at 10am for Lectio Divina.

We offering weekly Lectio Divina reflection time on zoom. Email us to be added to those who receive the readings and notes each week by email.

The recurring zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89792352290?pwd=Wi9JUmtJQUJrQVJ3SVB6UXp3bFRlQT09

Meeting ID: 897 9235 2290
Passcode: 811610

The plan is to read privately and reflect 9.30am – 10am and then at 10am join the zoom gathering. After an opening prayer, reading the Scripture for the week, and listening to Fr David’s insights into the text, it is a time of sharing reflections. We then move into sharing personal prayers and finish with a closing prayer. Always finishes by 11am but you can leave at any time as needed.

Weekly Readings and Reflections

Each week Fr David Hofman, OCarm and Damien Peile provide:

Gospel: The text of the Gospel for the coming Sunday. (OT. B. means Ordinary Time in Year B of a three year cycle.)
Notes: A closer look at the reading; the liturgical setting for the particular Sunday; and an instructive reflection.
Celebrating at Home (CAH): A short liturgy including prayers and readings for use at home on Sunday.

Reading and notes from the last three weeks appear below. Previous months can be found here. 


Lectio Divina 28 June 2024

Mark 5:21-43 Little girl, I tell you to get up When Jesus had crossed in the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered round him and he stayed by the lakeside. Then one of the synagogue officials came up, Jairus by name, and seeing him, fell at his feet and...

Lectio Divina 21 June 2024

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark 4:35-41 With the coming of evening, Jesus said to his disciples, 'Let us cross over to the other side.' And leaving the crowd behind they took him, just as he was, in the boat; and there were other boats with him.  Then...

Lectio Divina 14 June 2024

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark 4:26-34 Jesus said to the crowd, 'This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man throws seed on the land. Night and day, while he sleeps, when he is awake, the seed is sprouting and growing; how, he does not know.  Of...

Lectio Divina, a Latin term, means “divine reading” and describes a way of reading the Scriptures whereby we gradually let go of our own agenda and open ourselves to what God wants to say to us. In the 12th century, a Carthusian monk called Guigo, described the stages which he saw as essential to the practice of Lectio Divina. Whether individually or in groups, Guigo’s description remains fundamental.

Lectio Divina is an authentic source of Christian spirituality recommended by the Carmelite Rule. Carmelites practise it every day, to grow in the surpassing knowledge of Christ. In this way to put into practice the Apostle Paul’s commandment: “Let the sword of the spirit, the Word of God, live abundantly in your mouth and in your hearts; and whatever you must do, do it in the name of the Lord.”

A group meets each Friday morning for Lectio Divina on Zoom.
The plan is to read privately and reflect 9.30am – 10am and then at 10am join the zoom gathering. The time on zoom will be to share any reflections and prayers you have. You can leave the gathering at any time if needed. You are welcome to stay after the session finishes for a short time if you would like to catch up and share any news – ALL WELCOME.

If you are interested or have any questions please contact the Carmelite Centre through the contact us form or by direct email or phone 03 9690 5430

Download Lectio Divina for each day of this month here.


The Carmelite Library is a special theological library dedicated to study and research in the areas of Spirituality and Mysticism. The collection is unique within Australia.

The Library is an affiliated member of the University of Divinity (UD) and a library of Yarra Theological Union. It is the Province Library of the Carmelite Friars in Australia-Timor Leste.

The Library is housed in a spacious and handsome setting for study and reading purposes.

214 Richardson Street,
Middle Park Victoria 3204

Opening Times 2024
Tuesday 10am - 3pm




To help you navigate the Carmelite Library’s information and resources, the University of Divinity has created an online LibGuide. Here, you will be able to see browse the collection, read about the library and keep up to date with the latest news and titles, and find links to resources and other Carmelite related websites, all in one spot.


The history of the Carmelite Library at Middle Park available in this digital brochure was put together by Director of the Carmelite Library, Rev Dr Paul Chandler, O.Carm., FRHistS.