Our theme for this month comes from Henri Nouwen’s book, Following Jesus, in particular – Practicing Presence.

Henri tells us:

* Prayer is entering into the presence of God here and now. Prayer is the way in which we become present to the moment and listen to God who is with us. God is always where we are. Henri says I really want you to practice prayer as a practice of the presence of God…you don’t have to say many words…you don’t have to have deep thoughts…you don’t have to worry about what to think…you can just be where you are and say, “I love you. I love you. I know you love me and I love you. I am here and I want you to be with me and I want to be with you.

* Distractions mean we are being pulled into the past or into the future. Distractions mean we are not yet fully here…that’s ok…you have to smile to yourself…I am still all over the place. If we were totally here we would be in heaven, so we are never totally here.

* Henri says it’ very important to say…”I want to be more here because I know that you God, are here. I know you love me. I know that all I need is here and therefore I am going to sit here for a moment and say thank you for being a faithful God, thank you for your name I AM.

 Exodus 3:14

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.”

 As you begin to relax now in body and mind, to slow your breathing, and enter your meditation, centering your prayer…a final word from Henri Nouwen…

* It’s very important to say, “I know, just as I know that I am breathing without feeling the breath all the time, so I know that you God, are with me even if I don’t feel it all the time”. In the center of all the storms there is this quiet place where you can say, “I love you. You love me. It is here and now. It is good to be here. It is good to be in your presence, Lord. I don’t need anything else.”

Love and every blessing


Meditation Leader

 Henri Nouwen, Following Jesus, Convergent Books, (an imprint of Random House): GB 2019.

Remember to watch an introduction to Centering Prayer Meditation with Kathryn. You can see it here