Meditation 16 November 2023 Meditation for Thursday 16th November 2023 The great spiritual teacher and father of modern day mindfulness practices, especially walking meditation Thich Nhat Hanh, known to...

Meditation 9 November 2023 Meditation for Thursday 9th November 2023 Simplicity is both a much maligned and much-admired way of being. Simplicity can be seen as a defeatist attitude or as an ideal. The...

Meditation 2 November 2023 Meditation for Thursday 2nd November 2023 Today let’s re-cap on some basics… A Quiet Location. It’s desirable when meditating to choose a quiet location where there are few...

Meditation 19 October 2023 Meditation for Thursday 19th October 2023  In my experience the seduction of embarking on the path of meditation is that some people can be fooled into believing that wanting...

Meditation 12 October 2023 Meditation for Thursday 12th October 2023 Some years ago at a lecture by a Buddhist monk I recall he said that if we meditated regularly we would achieve nirvana, i.e....

Meditation 5 October 2023

Meditation assists us to appreciate the value of silence, one of the gifts we receive when we make meditation a priority in our lives. Our periods of meditation teach us that silence encourages patience and mindfulness, allowing us to navigate challenges with a...