Saint Titus Brandsma has a profound message for us today on encountering the “mystery of God’s nearness”. From his life as a young Carmelite friar to his martyrdom in Dachau, we can learn how living fully in the present moment, mindful that we are always in God’s holy presence, is closely connected to the ordinary life of ordinary people. In our daily life, with its busyness, challenges and struggles, experiencing God’s nearness might seem too far away or out of reach. The mystery of God’s nearness, this everyday mysticism that we learn from Titus, will be the focus of our conversation.

About the presenter:
Br Daryl Moresco, O.Carm. returned home to Australia in July, 2024. Prior to this, he was the Managing Director of the Center for Carmelite Studies at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.  Br Daryl also served as Novice Director for the U.S. Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary from 2017- 2020 and Director of Pre-Novitiate Formation from 2007-2017.  Br Daryl was born in Wonthaggi, Australia.  He went to the U.S. to study Carmelite Spirituality in 2001. He is a spiritual director, retreat director, and workshop facilitator.  Br Daryl has a passion for promoting the richness and depth of Carmelites Spirituality.  He is also an icon writer and hopes to offer icon writing classes in the future.

Daryl’s presentation can be access here

Daryl’s presentation notes from the session can be accessed here Titus Brandsma ’24 Carmelite Conversations