In August, Matthew Tonini OCarm, addressed the topic of Discernment on the Carmelite Way.

The final admonition of the Carmelite Rule might be translated: “use discernment, however, the guide of the virtues.” The writer of the Rule, Albert of Jerusalem, recognises that ultimately all rules for Christian living and spirituality can only point the way. The personal relationship that God shares with individuals, communities and creation is dynamic and transforming. Discernment is relational, it is dialogue.

In Matthew’s own experience of Carmelite life and ministry, his growing understanding of the practice of discernment involves being engaged in self-reflection to discover my relationship with God in this time and place. Discernment calls me into dialogue his my inner world of emotions, thoughts, memories and desires. Discernment is the practice of navigating this inner world with listening and conversation. A conversation that reveals the God whose love is transforming and bringing to life.

As he works with communities, Matthew has become more aware that discernment moves beyond this personal and self-reflective experience into a communal experience. An experience that more and more we hear being talked about as synodality – the coming together of people to listen and dialogue in order to discover the promptings of the Spirit that lead toward the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Matthew’s presentation can be accessed here

Matthew’s note from the presentation can be accessed here CCDiscernment on the Carmelite Way 2024 MatthewTonini