Meditation for Thursday 3rd October 2024

Over the years ever since she was quite young I have observed my daughter with her viola, violin, guitar or banjo mandolin tune her instruments with delicate precision. In tuning she would pay special attention to not tightening the strings to the point of where one or more might break and hence she would be unable play music.

On the other hand if the strings were too loose the instrument was out-of-tune.

My daughter like all musicians would discover the right tension by listening carefully and make regular adjustments.

In meditation we need to have the right adjustment; if we try too hard and are overly strict we quickly get tied up in knots and can’t concentrate.

The mind can be frisky!

If we try to wrestle with concentration trying to force it into obedience, the mind rebels. On the other hand if we are too loose or relaxed and don’t put sufficient effort into concentrating the mind just fritters about.

An optimal balance is found through trial and error.

The deepest purpose of meditation is spiritual as regular practice uncovers the innate clarity and workability of the mind. Many traditions refer to this as ‘awakening’.

Like all genuine spiritual paths the practice of meditation doesn’t lead to wealth or fame but rather an appreciation of all that life has to offer including most importantly service to others.



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